Below are links to our school policies which we think will be of most interest to parents. We also have a large number of other policies relating to the internal workings of the school, and to our duties as employers. We also have a detailed finance policy (but please note we do not have any members of staff who are paid more than £100,000). If you would like to see a full list of our policies, or if you would like access to any policies that are not on the website then please contact us at the details on our 'contact us' tab.
Paper copies of all policies are available by request to the school office.
(click on the links to download)
Parent Information policy suite: a document which summarises the key information in all of our policies which we feel is most directly relevant to and of interest to parents. This includes our policy on charging parents for activities or other opportunities their children are offered in school (charging and remissions)
Behaviour policy suite
Behaviour quick guide
Equality information and objectives, and information on how we ensure all our pupils receive the support they need to be the best they can be:
Curriculum delivery policy suite
SEND policy and information:
Information on how we use additional funding we receive:
Information on how we safeguard everyone, including identifying potential problems early:
Safeguarding & Child Protection Policy Suite
If you would prefer paper copies of the above please contact the school at the details on the 'Contact Us' page.
Should any parents or members of the community have a safeguarding concern they should contact Adam Breakwell as the Designated safeguarding lead or Mrs Hyde at Kimbolton, this can be done through the school office.
Financial Benchmarking
Early Years Foundation Stage Policy
Healthy Schools Policy